I’m new to XWiki 9.11/10.0. Can anyone help me to find the panel and annonation function?
Thank you!
I’m new to XWiki 9.11/10.0. Can anyone help me to find the panel and annonation function?
Thank you!
Thanks. How can I import this?
What makes you think you need to import it?
See http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Annotations%20Application and check “BUNDLED WITH XWiki Enterprise, XWiki Standard”.
I think there is a problem on my side. I can’t find the annonation application in the admin area nor can I use Control + M on wiki pages.
Can you check on playground.xwiki.org to see if it works better?
You can also open the annotation box using the “…” menu.
To check if an extension is installed, go to your admin, select Extension Manager, pick installed extensions and search for “annotations”. You should see "XWiki Platform - Annotations - UI " if it’s installed.
Perhaps I should upgrade from 9.11 to 10.0 to solve this problem?
Then you need to explain how you installed XWiki.
It’s absolutely not normal that you wouldn’t have this extension by default so there’s probably something bad in your wiki.
We need to understand how you setup XWiki to help you more.
I’m using the official Docker XWiki. That’s strange.
Thanks for your support!
What flavor did you install?
Switch to “Installed extensions”. Those are available extensions.
No flavor extensions installed. Could that be problem?
What did you do exactly when you got the Distribution Wizard ? You just skipped it ?
In doubt, I think so.
FWIW I’ve reinstalled from scratch XWiki 9.11.1 using docker (xwiki:stable
) and used the Standard Flavor and the annotations work fine.
… I installed your “Demo Flavor”… now it works
Panel available, Annotation available and a lot of more things which I have to explore now…
Thank you very much!!
This is weird. You should have annotations in the Standard Flavor.