Parent-Children Livetable macro on XWiki Debian 16.6.0

Hi! I’m trying Parent-Children Livetable macro on a XWiki 16.6.0 instance and getting the error The environment prevents the table from loading data.

The extension was already available on the system. I don’t remember why I installed it, but it was by using my user with programming rights late in 2023.

I think I only get warnings on catalina.out:

[2024-08-17 13:13:55] [info] 2024-08-17 13:13:55,363 [http-nio-8080-exec-2 -] WARN  o.a.v.introspection            - Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.DeprecatedContext.getMacro] in xwiki:Main.SpaceParentsChildrenMacro@5,24
[2024-08-17 13:13:55] [info] 2024-08-17 13:13:55,363 [http-nio-8080-exec-2 -] WARN  o.a.v.introspection            - Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.DeprecatedContext.getMacro] in xwiki:Main.SpaceParentsChildrenMacro@6,24
[2024-08-17 13:13:55] [info] 2024-08-17 13:13:55,363 [http-nio-8080-exec-2 -] WARN  o.a.v.introspection            - Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.DeprecatedContext.getMacro] in xwiki:Main.SpaceParentsChildrenMacro@7,27
[2024-08-17 13:13:56] [info] 2024-08-17 13:13:56,346 [http-nio-8080-exec-4 -] WARN  o.a.v.introspection

Am I missing anything? Must I be able to get that table populated? It is right now available here. I’m getting an empty table:

Thanks for your help!

@rstavro, @mflorea, I’m not able to find Mircea,

I’m struggling with the paragraph of Description looking for the reason I get the error The environment prevents the table from loading data to no avail.

I simply get an empty table whatever I enter as Space, and see the error when I edit the page holding the macro in WYSIWYG mode.

Furthermore, I must recognize that the current concept of Space in XWiki is not clear to me yet but, has it any relationship with the issue I’m facing here? Must I enter the name of a space with a given syntax?


You should check with the Network tab from the browser’s developer tools the response to the HTTP request that the live table makes to fetch the data. Also check with the JavaScript console (still from the browser’s developer tools) if you have any JavaScript exceptions.

Thanks, @mflorea. It seems that I am somehow guilty of deleting a service. There is a 404 error fetching the date. You can see it live. I paste an image for any further reference:

It seems that I delete that service early this year. Perhaps I installed and deinstalled the extension. I do not remember it. I remember that I was playing with LT at that time. No recovery action is available.

In any case, when installing the extension, shouldn’t that page be created?


The deleted page seems to be in the recycle bin, but the restore action is not available for some reason. Do you have administration rights?

It should normally, but I have no idea which extension provides this page.

Yes! I’m the only admin.

I find this in the Deleted Pages tab:

Should I restore and try? I prefer to ask before messing up things! Thanks for your help!

Oops! I’m lost now. Is it not that page provided by the Parent-Children Livetable macro? Thanks!

Yes. It should restore only this page, which ATM doesn’t exist. So it should be fine.

It probably is. This is an old extension. I see I’m listed as a developer, but I don’t recall what was my contribution :slight_smile:

Restoration fails:

Perhaps we, mainly you, are wasting time trying to understand this issue. In general, I don’t like to stop until I get an answer that allows me to at least intuit the basis of the problem, but perhaps it won’t be worth the effort in this case.

Thanks for helping!

I doubt the restore failed, but maybe it depends on some other page that was deleted too.

The best would probably be to go to the Extensions admin, go to that installed extension and ask to “Compute changes”, to see what exactly is different from how the standard extension is supposed to look like.


At the time of the first installation of the macro, I was also playing with page rights finding a way to hide some pages in search results for non-logged users. Following your advice, I see that I instantiated at least twice XWiki.XWikiRights on Main.SpaceParentsChildrenMacro. I will review those changes and keep this thread posted.

Thank you very much!

Indeed: the restoration didn’t fail when done from the Deleted pages list. Following your advice, I recovered the original state of all pages of the extension.

Early this year, I introduced two type of changes looking for understanding how search works: I instantiated XWiki.XWikiRights and set the in troubles page as Hidden. I read the warning telling me that any changes can lead the extension death, but I thought that I will remember the changes and turn them back if required. As you see, I forgot them.

Now, the extension works for at least Main and XWiki spaces. Not for others. But as @mflorea said, it is a very old extension. I will try to understand when it fails, and when it succeeds.

Impressive tool that Compute changes option! I learned a lot with your help. Thank you very much!