Partitioning of Ubuntu server for Xwiki

Hi everyone,
I’m interested in trying Xwiki on a VM with Ubuntu server. The system will only be used for Xwiki, nothing else. I’m not sure in which way I should use partitions. I’m planning to store Xwiki and the database in a /var partition but I’m not sure how to partition the rest of the system.
Also, I found instructions for the Xwiki installation on Ubuntu 22.04. I think I should be able to use these instructions with Ubuntu server, am I right. At first I tried using Debian but with the Tomcat problems which are mentioned in the .deb instructions I wasn’t able to install Xwiki.
I’d be thankful for any kind of help.

If you use the Debian packages to install XWiki then all data will go in /var/ and nowhere else so there is no specific recommendation for the rest when it comes to XWiki and its database (mariadb, mysql and postgres also store everything in /var as far as I know).

The mentioned problem is only with Debian 12, Debian 11 is still supported (but yes it’s going to be EOL in about 1 year, now I do hope we will find a solution by then).

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.
Okay, so the problem is that the system is planned to run for a couple of years. I guess that Debian 11 isn’t the best choice then.
Is it necessary to create partitions like /etc, /home ? I’m pretty new to linux, most of the time I used guided partition of the entire disk. Do I need a /usr partition if I plan to let users access via LDAP connection?

No, you don’t. Folders at the root are not really partitions, they are just folders, it’s just that any folder can be physically in a different partition on Linux, and it’s something which is often done with /var because that’s where you generally find most of the data and if it has its own partition it cannot mess with the rest of the system if it ever gets full.

Thank you, I managed to install the server and Xwiki. Now I was wondering, I’m trying to migrate data from Confluence.
Maybe not the right place to ask but I’ve read that the free Community edition of xwiki contains Confluence Migration. After installing the Migrator I saw that it uses Pro Macros, which has to be bought.
Am I mising something here?
I’ve found instructions to use FilterStreamsConverter, which is installed but the necessary ConfluenceXML seems to be missing in the extension manager.


It does not really use pro macros. What is does is convert what it can from the package to the direct XWiki equivalent, but some macros you have in Confluence simply does don’t have any direct equivalent (or there is, but nobody provided a converter for it yet) and the point was not really to reimplement Confluence. So it just put a placeholder which someone can implement, as explained on (which I just reworded to hopefully be a little more clear). XWiki SAS got quite a lot of work implementing some of those placeholders, asked by some clients, and it was judged to be too big to be fully free just yet.

Note: I’m not aware of plans to make it free. I think the idea is that experienced and technical users can do the Confluence to XWiki conversion themselves if they want (using the free extensions + possibly some scripting if equivalent macros are missing) and for other users, the XWiki SAS company offers its expertise to help do this conversion. See and for details.