For my document control system, I need to pass a User entered code (text input in a HTML input element) to a Velocity variable for validation. I have been trying jQuery AJAX methods and HTML form “post” – as being the way to do this. But not getting my coding / syntax right.
(1) What is the URL to be used for passing data to the same Xwiki page when using AJAX for FORM post ?
Does this page have to be a TERMINAL page or can it be done on a NON-TERMINAL page (aka space) ?
(2) How do I capture the data on the Server side (wiki / velocity scripting) – and ASSIGN it to a Velocity variable ?
Have been trying the $response / $request scripting functions for HTTP requests – but obviously not getting the syntax or function calls right.
The SKIN Extension tutorial - gives a method for passing a parameter from the Velocity side to JS side – but NOT the reverse.
Would greatly appreciate some advice and help to solve this problem. I am many other are facing the same and I don’t see any solution posted for similar ones in this forum.
I am relatively new to Xwiki - have completed online beginners’ courses on Java, HTML/CSS/JS and jQuery - to understand the examples / tutorials. Have also gone through the basic Xwiki tutorials and examples, particularly the FAQ, Skin extension and AJAX Example. Have also read through most of the Developer documentation.
Thanks in Advance.
This is an example to get a value of a HTML-Select List and do something with it
This page will be called if you hit "GO" additionally.
The HTML request then contains ##?classname=...## with the selected item
In this example a list of xwiki classes will be generated by {{code}}$xwiki.classList{{/code}}.
This list contains user defined classes too.
After "GO" - the propertyNames of the selected class will be shown
{{html wiki="true"}}
<form action ="">
Elements of class: <select name="classname">
## $request.classname is defined, when the form is submitted.
## Other form fields can be found $request.name_of_the_field
#set($classname = $request.classname)
#set($classname = "XWiki.XWikiUsers")
#set($classes = $xwiki.classList)
#foreach($classn in $classes)
<option value="${classn}" #if($classname==$classn) selected #end>$classn</option>
<input type="submit" value="Go" />
#set($fields = $xwiki.getDocument($classname).xWikiClass.propertyNames)
#foreach ($f in $fields)
==== List all Parameters ====
#foreach ($x in $request.getParameterNames())
* **$x** : (% style="color:red" %)$request.getParameter($x)(%%)
**End of Parameters**
Thanks very much for sharing your selection list example. Looks good and may solve my problem.
I will work on it for the next 2 or 3 days – understand how the logic works and revert if I need any further clarifications.
thanks again and warm regards
Hi - fantastic !! Yours solution worked with the small changes I made as below.
Thanks also for the code itself for listing Class element names - very useful for finding the correct name of the element.
This is an example to get a value of a HTML-Form Input text field and do something with it
{{html wiki=“true”}}
Enter your eCode:
## $request.ecode is defined, when the form is submitted.
#set($eCode = $request.ecode)
#set($eCode= "xxxxxx")
==== List all Parameters ==== #foreach ($x in $request.getParameterNames()) #set($eCodeValue = $request.getParameter($x))
$x : (% style=“color:red” %)$eCodeValue(%%) #end
#velocity variable $eCodeValue = the string entered
##by the User in the form input element