PDF Export includechilds not working?

Hi folks,

is &includechilds=xx working in your xwiki with PDF-Export?

EDIT: And in a structure of pages\subpages, all only with include-macro? Has someone a equvilant test-scenario? It sometimes doesn’t work and sometimes it takes “forever” to create a pdf.



I’ve tested PDF export on XWiki 13.0 (with Firefox 85/ Oracle 19c/ Tomcat 9.0.41) with &includechilds=xx using the following page structure: P1/P2/P3.

I’ve successfully exported P1 with children using http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/export/P1/WebHome?format=pdf&pdfcover=1&pdfcover=0&pdftoc=1&pdftoc=0&pdfheader=1&pdfheader=0&pdffooter=1&pdffooter=0&includechilds=2.

I also tested (multiple times) the PDF export on the same page structure, all pages having only Include Macro, without issues.

I’ve reproduced, though, the issue described in https://XWIKI-15593 and in XWIKI-13404 as images from child pages are not being exported.


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