Hi! I was create a page from office(.docx). After success , I found the picture is fuzzy in xwiki. But it is clear in Word. And picture’s size is also to small.
In Word:
In XWiki:
How to set the picture 's compression ratio or improve it?
Thanks very much!
Hello!Any one help me about this?
Check the wiki syntax by editing the generated wiki page using the Wiki editor and look for the image:
syntax. You probably have the width/height specified. Either remove those or follow https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/How%20to%20improve%20the%20avatar%20image%20quality .
Thanks for your answer! I edit the width/height, it looks better. But I have too much docs to upload ,an I will be crazy if I edit all the image’s width/height. So, do you have any more efficient method. Such as XWiki don’t set the image’s width/height default.
I believe I mentioned it in my reply.
or follow https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/How%20to%20improve%20the%20avatar%20image%20quality
Thanks! But I tried and it don’t work.
You see : I configure xwiki.cfg “xwiki.plugin.image.defaultQuality = 1” and xwiki.properties “rendering.imageDimensionsIncludedInImageURL = flase” , then I restart the xwiki.
But the picture in word is also to be setted the width/height by default, and it still looks fuzzy.
I have to change its width/height manually, it will look better.
That’s probably because you didn’t clear the browser cache after restarting the wiki and so the browser gave you the cached fuzzy image. The fact that the image looks good with different width/height proves that the configuration was taken into account.