Place new template and JS translations in xwiki-platform-web-war

Hi everyone,

to my knowledge we keep putting in xwiki-platform-oldcore new translations that are used in templates placed in xwiki-platform-web-templates.
I think we should change that in the future: the only reason why we’re doing that is habits I think. We should normally put the translations in the same module they’re used.

Now, we already have the proper structure in xwiki-platform-web-war for adding the file for translation, and we also need to handle translations that are put in javascript files located in xwiki-platform-web-war. So instead of having multiples files located in web-templates and web-war that we would need to concatenate, I propose that we use a single file in web-war for both modules.

Also I don’t think we really need to move existing translations at it would be a lot of work: if we agree, I propose that we follow that rule for new translations only.


+1 for putting new WAR resources/templates related translations in xwiki-platform-web-war

+1 as well, thanks