Planned upgrade of Weblate in

Hi everyone,

we’re planning to upgrade our Weblate instance on next tuesday the 14th of january. The server will be unavailable for a few hours during the upgrade, I’ll keep you informed here.



I’m about to start the upgrade and I will stop the service now.

So for information the upgrade is not going so well, I’m facing a technical issue that I’m not sure how to fix. I opened a ticket on Weblate side and I’m waiting for an answer from the community. If I don’t get an answer today I will rollback the upgrade and plan it for later.

Thanks to the quick reactivity of Weblate community I’ve been able to fix my problem and resume the upgrade. It’s now finished and is available again.

However please note that I changed the configuration for the interaction between the platform and Github to follow a more standard configuration using Webhooks: I’m still keeping an eye on it to see if everything’s work as expected, but don’t hesitate to tell us if you see a strange behaviour there.


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This looks not as intended:

This is filtered first for language german then clicked on “xwiki-platform”. But when I click one of the numbers unequal 100 % then I get a message like this:

What means “no string found”.

And as far as I can remember there are all german components translated for 100 % except 4 new “xwiki-contrib” components:


Regards, Simpel

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try to clarify this, I’m not entirely sure why we see that, but I’m indeed getting same as you.

[EDIT: I opened Bad statistics reported for categories · Issue #13504 · WeblateOrg/weblate · GitHub for it]

@Simpel could you confirm that before the upgrade you didn’t see those wrong numbers? See the question on Github.

Yes, I’m pretty sure of that. I checked the status at the beginning of January and there were green ticks everywhere and no figures deviating from 100%.

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There seemed to be another issue. This night I got 80 mails like this:

As you can see there are no changes in translation it’s all translated correctly. This might be a single case this night and will not happen next night.

Just wanted to report it.

I added components for supporting translations in the 16.10.x branch yesterday. I assume you received emails for newly added components, even if they are translated already? What exactly the mails were saying, that new translation keys were added?

Note that I was planning to do the same for the 16.4.x branch, I was waiting a bit to see how it goes first. Also this kind of operation should happen at least twice a year for long term supported branches, and every month if we decide to do that for any stable branch… which might quickly be annoying for you.

I guess they are “a string is added to the repo” mails. Subject is roughly translated like “Summary: String available for translation”.

In the end deleting 80 mails twice a year (or once a month) isn’t that bad for me. But I’m not sure if other not so extremely involved translators would be unsure what to do with this. But maybe other translators aren’t subscribing that much as I do.

Today another mail with “ 21 incomplete strings”. All those were empty: .emptyvalue, deprecated or there is no help.

All these I already marked them to “read-only” before. I guess this status wasn’t copied.