PlantUML Macro: does not refresh / preview upon entering in place edit

I’ve just added the PlantUML extension to 14.6 and I’m experiencing the same as reported in Jira Macro: does not refresh / preview upon entering in place edit, where the macro content is not visible when edit in-place.

In that I opened Loading... but I’ve seen a more generic one has been opened Loading...
Should I open another issue for this extension?

Hi. I see that the plantuml macro is also using the async framework (macro-plantuml/macro-plantuml-macro/src/main/java/org/xwiki/contrib/plantuml/internal/ at master · xwiki-contrib/macro-plantuml · GitHub), and thus yes the issue is the same as Loading... (once this is fixed the macro should fine without any other change).


Ok then. Thanks.