Please Help to Create a Navigation Panel


i hope somebody can help me. I will have a Navitgation Panel for my Users.

I have created a Site “Doku AX100” that site i will linked in the Navigation Panel.

I created the follow configruation:


* [[Dokubereich Doku AX100>>Doku AX100]]


This works, but with one Exception. When the User Click on this, the Submenu/Child-Sites under the “Doku AX100” will not displayed in the Panel. -> I will have the Menu in the Art of the Default Admin Panel (Collapsing Menus etc.).

What have ich to do to make this work?

With best regards and many thanks.


Hi, your question is not very clear and I don’t understand it.

What are you referring to? What submenu? What child-site?

What panel?

What does this mean? Art? What is the default Admin panel?


HI vmasol,

sorry, my English is not so good.

Here is another Example:

When i Create a new Navigation Panel like this


* [[Hilfe>>Hilfe]]


The Result is this:

The Result is this:


So Far so good, but i cannot Expand “Hilfe”. MyGoal is, to expand “Hilfe” to Reach Videos (see first Screenshot). How i can do that, that it worked like in the Default Navigation Panel?

Thank you for your Help.

P.s. sorry for the 2 Posts, but The Forum allows only 1 Screenshot per Post :wink:


ok I understand now. So you need to use the Document Tree Macro if you wish to have a tree in your panel, see

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Hi vmassol,

Thank you very much. I was so blind :blush:.

Can you help me with the Syntax? How must the code look like, that i only See “Hilfe” (with Subsites as tree) in the new Created Navigationpanel?

Something like this will display the children pages of the current page in a panel:


{{documentTree root="document:$doc.documentReference" /}}

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Hi vmassol,

sorry, but i don´t understand where i must define my Page “Hilfe” in the Syntax, so this will displayed in the Navigation Panel. When i try to Replace “documentReference” through Hilfe it says “no Pages found” :frowning:

Can you please send me the full Syntax for my challenge?

Sorry for the trouble but im a Newbee on Xwiki :wink:

This will display just the pages from the Help page:


{{documentTree root="document:xwiki:Help.WebHome"  showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" compact="true" /}}


Vincent’s example displayed children pages of the current page, so depends what exactly you want to achieve. Make sure you read the Document Tree Macro documentation.

Hi Evalica,

thank you. It nerarly worked. But now i have one Problem with your Configuration.

Now i see in the Navigation Tree The Childs of “Hilfe”. Not the Root Site “Hilfe”.

My goal is to make my own Navigation Panel for My Users that should look like as the following Example:

Navigation Users

  • Hilfe
  • Department 1
  • Department 2
  • Department 3

(With the Option to browse through the Child Sites like the Default Navigation Panel.)

I tried to understand the Document Tree Macro documentation, but for now very much for me is Voodo ;). A few near life Examples on this Site would help to understand. Or mayby i´m simply to stupid to undestand :frowning:

If you could help me here to reach my goal, I would be very grateful to you.

If you want to have manual entries in the navigation you could use the Menu Application

Hi Evalica,

i created a Menu via the Menu Application. See picture. How can I attach this Created “Department” Menu to the Left Panel like the Default “Navigation”?


In the Global Administration: Panels - menu I wrote the following under the “Panels displayed on the left” Point :

Is this maybe the error?

For the tree it looks like it is created under ‘Menu’, not ‘Panels’, so try writing “Menu.Department” instead in the Administration.

No Luck. it doesn´t appear in the left Panel. + When i close the Browser after i saved, the “Menu.Department” Entry from me in the Configuration Menu is gone…


To find the reference of a page, see

Sorry for my Questions.

This is very Confusing. Is this so complex to create in Xwiki a Simple Navigation Panel?

Is the following Configuration Correct? With Panels.Department in the Global Adminstration -> Panels Entry (see above). It will not displayed.


Can Anyone give me a Sample Configuration for my Problem?

No, it’s not very hard, You have 2 options:

You just need to use the reference to the page containing your menu, i.e. Menu.Department AFAICS.

Sorry but in the above screenshot, I can’t see anythinh since you’ve hidden the text under some yellow label.

Can you paste the content of the field instead?


I see you set “Global” for menu visibility scope. This requires that the menu author has programming rights. Try a lower scope (wiki or even user).

Hope this helps,

Regarding this, I’ve created Loading...

HI Evalica,

i use your suggestion until there is a solution for the Creating for a manual Menu.

THis works well, but i have one Point.


----------> SubsubHilfe

A User Expand “Hilfe” and click on the SubsubHilfe. Then the following happens: The Site opens, but the Created Menu “Navigation-Users” collaps to the Base. In the Default Navigation Panel which is current also displayed, The Menu isn´t collapsed. It is so expanded on SubsubHilfe Entry.

Do you know how can i fix that?

With best regards.