POM org.xwiki.contrib:parent-platform publication policy

Hi everyone,

Is there a specific policy regarding the publication or the artifact org.xwiki.contrib:parent-platform? For instance, XWiki Standard 11.9 was released but not the corresponding contrib pom as far as I can see on maven.xwiki.org. Is it on purpose for not encouraging the development of extensions depending on too recent versions of the platform, or could we consider syncing the publication of that artifact with each release, what do you think?


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One parent is always published for each LTS branch (so a new 11.10 one will be published soon) since that’s what contrib extensions are generally recommended to support, if you need a specific version you can take a look at GitHub - xwiki-contrib/parent: Provide various parent pom.xml for contrib extensions.

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Thank you tmortagne, I had overlooked the page you mention. I’ll think I’ll wait for the 11.10 release :slight_smile:

Thomas, all, I think I actually misunderstood your reply: you were probably referring to parent pom 10.11.10 for LTS XWiki 10.11.10 while I was hoping for a parent pom 11.10, corresponding to the recently released XWiki 11.10. I see that parent poms were released for version 11.1 and 11.3. Would you know if there is any plan for creating a parent pom for version 11.10? Is there any rule about that, or should I request such a creation if it makes sense at all?


By “soon” I did not mean in the minute :slight_smile:

The “automatic” rule is that each LTS branch get a parent and 11.10 is going to be made LTS in about 1 month. But as indicated in the documentation if you need one now no problem.

Yes they were requested.

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Thank you Thomas, I submitted a request along this line then, I hope I filled it right: CPARENT-5.


Just updating everyone now that @tmortagne taught me how to proceed (thanks a lot): a set of 11.10 parent POMs are now available from the XWiki Nexus.

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