Imagine this spaces / article structure as an example:
- A
- 1
- 2
- B
- 3
- 4
- C
- 5
- 6
- 7
Users should be able to edit 1-7, and to create new articles inside A, B or C. But:
- I They shouldn’t be allowed to rename A-C.
- II But they should be allowed to edit C.
- III They shouldn’t be allowed to create new root spaces like D-Z.
I know how to achieve “I”. Therefor I forbid users to edit page A and B.
But to achieve “II” too I can’t forbid users to edit C. They should edit C but not rename. What can I do?
And last I don’t know how to prevent to create new spaces on root. Any suggestions?
Best would be a solution where renaming and creating root spaces could be prevented.
Regards, Simpel