Problem: duplicate image in my page

Hello all,
I’m having some problems with the images in xWiki. It happens to duplicate them several times in the page. It happens often when I import a LibreOffice Writer document from the “Import Office File” button. Have any of you already encountered this problem? Do you know the cause and how to avoid it?

can you show a screenshot?

I don’t have a screenshot for the moment, as soon as the bug reappears, I will make one :-). However, I don’t really see what it would bring except to see the same image appearing five or six times in a row on a page.

We don’t have much information to help you anyway.
If you want the community to help you with your problem, it is recommended that you provide as much detail as possible. This includes:

  • the version of XWiki
  • the version of the Office Import Extension
  • the imported document, if it does not contain sensitive information
  • a detailed description of the steps you took to reach the bug you encountered

Thank you.
As soon as the problem arises again, I will post with these details (version of Xwiki, etc.)
Have a nice day