I’m able to drag files into an open Wysiwyg editor, which will automatically upload the document as an attachment and create a link to it in the document.
However, the document cannot be saved anymore afterwards - which is especially annoying if the attachment wasn’t the only thing changed in the current editing session…
That’s probably not the intended behaviour?
Also note that this error message box is not even visible of the Wysiwyg editor is running in fullscreen mode - the user clicks “save” and simply nothing happens, but (s)he also is not able to edit any more after clicking “save” and will not have any idea, why this is the case.
Shall I file a bug for both of these issues, or file two separate bugs and link them?
I believe CKEDITOR-280 would fix the problem with the realtime too.
EDIT: @GOhrner this mean you can report an issue for the realtime editor if you want so that other users can find the problem but we’ll close it as a duplicate of CKEDITOR-280.
I already filed RTWYSIWYG-81 yesterday, I now linked it to CKEDITOR-280 as a duplicate, but I don’t have the permission to already close it as a duplicate.
I already filed RTWYSIWYG-81 yesterday, I now linked it to CKEDITOR-280 as a duplicate, but I don’t have the permission to already close it as a duplicate.
Better is to leave it open IMO. Even after closing CKEDITOR-280 we might need to do some work on RTEditor side to complete it. Thanks for opening the issue anyway