Problem with dots in titles [solved]

Hi there!

XWiki Version: XWiki Enterprise 8.2.1

We have a big issue with dots in the title. I try to explain that on an example:

  1. We create a new Page with a dot in the title: “Title.Something” - So far so good.
  2. Now we put a child blow: “Example child

Result in navigation panel:


  • Userpage of user1 → link doesn’t work
  • Userpage of user1 → link doesn’t work
  • some other random page1 → link doesn’t work
  • some other random page2 → link doesn’t work
  • Userpage of user1 → link doesn’t work

There is no child “Example child” and Xwiki shows some random stuff that doesn’t exist on that path.

I think it is something like this Allowing “/” in page names

So, is there an equivalent or other solution for that problem?

hi, I tried your example and everything I tried was working. So you need to explain better what you mean since it’s hard to understand your message above.

For example WDYM by “Userpage of user1 → link doesn’t work”?

Why do you repeat twice the same thing above:


No I don’t think it’s related since “/” is a Tomcat security limitation that needs to be enabled.

So I’m using XWiki 10.1-SNAPSHOT and I cannot reproduce your problem ATM.

Since 8.2.1 is very old now, I’d suggest you upgrade or try to reproduce with XWiki 9.1.2 and tell us how it goes.


Ok, i try to expain it with some screenshots


Add page below Sandbox with a dot


All fine this far

Add one page below Test.WithDot


Sorry for the multiple answers, but it wasn’t allowed to me to post more than one picture -.-
And yes, I wish I could force an update. But this isn’t one of my responsibilities :confused:

I followed your steps and I can’t reproduce on XWiki 10.0 so it may be a bug that was fixed in the mean time but I can’t tell in which version exactly. You should check with XWiki 8.4.6 (previous LTS) and XWiki 9.11.2 (current LTS).

@vmassol, @mflorea thank you very much for testing it.
I forwarded it to our server admin. Hopefully it results in an update. :slight_smile:

We have tested an update to version 9. There doesn’t exist that problem anymore. Thanks again for your time.