Problem with holiday extention - style is null

Hello dear xwiki people.

I just did a fresh install of xwiki a few days ago (running as a docker container on a Synology) and found the holiday request extension which I was excited to try out, but sadly I can not get arround the error:

Cannot invoke “String.toUpperCase()” because “style” is null.

I thought it has something to do with my date format under localization, which is: dd/MM/yyyy, but it didnt matter if I changed it or the code written in the extension. I wanted to try to disable the protection to see if thats the issue, but wasn’t able to do that either.

Maby someone here has idea how I could tackle this. THANKS!


The Velocity code on the page that gives the error when I try to open a new holiday request is:

{{include document="AppWithinMinutes.DynamicMessageTool" context="new" /}}

## Load the User Picker style for the Employee and Manager columns
#set($discard = $xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/userpicker/userPicker.css'))
#if ($request.createHR == 'true')
  #set($count = $doc.getValue('count'))
  #set($defaultDateStyle = 'medium')
  #set($title="Request_$datetool.format('yyyy-M-d H:m:s',$datetool.getDate())")
  #set($newHRReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'HolidayRequest', $title))
  $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($newHRReference, 'edit', "$!{request.queryString}&title='New Holiday Request'"))
{{html wiki="true"}}
  <form action="" id="newHR">
    <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="HolidayRequest.WebHome" />
    <input type="hidden" name="template" value="HolidayRequest.HolidayRequestTemplate" />
    <input type="hidden" name="createHR" value="true" />
    <span class="buttonwrapper">
      <input class="button" type="submit" value="$msg.get('')" />
#set($originalMsg = $msg)
#set($msg = $services.dynamicMessageToolFactory.createDynamicMessageTool($msg, {
  'holidayrequest.livetable.employee': $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.startDate': $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.endDate': $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.manager': $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.numberDays' : $msg.get(''),
  '' : $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.comment' : $msg.get(''),
  'holidayrequest.livetable.status': $msg.get('')

#set($columnsProperties = {
  '_action': {'type': 'none', 'link' : 'view'},
  'employee': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true, 'link' : 'view'},
  'startDate': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  'endDate': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  'numberDays': {'type': 'number', 'size':10, 'filterable':true, 'sortable':true, 'html': true},
  'manager': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  'status': {'type': 'list', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  'office': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  'comment': {'type': 'text', 'size': 10, 'filterable': true, 'sortable': true, 'html': true},
  '_actions': {'sortable': false, 'filterable': false, 'html': true, 'actions': ['edit', 'delete']}
#set($options = {
  'className': 'HolidayRequest.HolidayRequestClass',
  'resultPage' : 'AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableGenerator',
  'translationPrefix': 'holidayrequest.livetable.',
  'tagCloud': true,
  'rowCount': 15,
  'maxPages': 10,
  'selectedColumn': 'startDate',
  'defaultOrder': 'desc'
#set($columns = ['_action', 'employee', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'numberDays', 'manager', 'office', 'comment', 'status', '_actions'])
#livetable('holidayrequest' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
#set($msg = $originalMsg)

{{html wiki="true"}}
<form action="Summary" id="overview" style="display:inline;">
  <span class="buttonwrapper">
    <input class="button" type="submit" value="$msg.get('')" />
<form action="Calendar" id="overview" style="display:inline;">
  <span class="buttonwrapper">
    <input class="button" type="submit" value="$msg.get('')" />

​The Full Error I attached to this post - I hope this helps.
full_wiki_error.txt (30.4 KB)

I could reproduce your issue on my testing snapshot in version 17.1.0. The issue seems to not be from your side. This looks like a bug with the HolidayRequest app on the latest version of XWiki.

PS: Yeah it’s already been reported at Loading... . If you find a solution for this one, feel free to share it :slight_smile:

Lucas C.
PPS : Just noticed you were the one who reported it last month. Good habit! :smiley:

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Thank you very much. You lift a stone from my heart that it might not be my fault - tho I am not certain yet, because it may have something to do with the docker installation - but sadly I could not figure it out yet. I defenitly keep you updated as soon as I know more.

Would be interesting to follow up since it means XWiki has broken backward compatibility somewhere and we need to know where that is and if it’s ok or not (and fix it if not).

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