Problem with use of $doc.hasAccessLevel

I want to create a document / macro which allows the user to select a different document
and then get a list of all XWiki users with listed rights to this selected document.

My code is listed above. It seems to works.

But my problem is:


gives wrong results. I get “false” instead of “true”.
It looks like the same results of $doc.hasAccessLevel("admin","USERID")

May be I miss something.

I am using XWIki version 9.11.2-

{{template name="locationPicker_macros.vm"/}}

#set ($documentReference = $services.model.resolveDocument($doc.getFullName()))
#set ($selectedDocument = $xwiki.getDocument($documentReference))
<form class="xform" action="">
    'id': 'target',
    'title': {
      'label' : 'Titel des Dokuments',
      'hint' : 'Suche mittels Titeleingabe für den aktuellen Bereich',
      'name': 'title',
      'value': $selectedDocument.plainTitle,
      'placeholder': ''
    'preview': {
      'label': 'Ablage',
      'hint' : ''
    'parent': {
      'label' : 'Ablagepfad',
      'hint' : '',
      'name': 'spaceReference',
      'reference': $documentReference.parent.parent,
      'placeholder': 'core.create.spaceReference.placeholder'
    'name': {
      'label' : 'Titel',
      'hint': '',
      'name': 'name',
      'value': $,
      'placeholder': ''
<input type="submit" value="Get Rights | Berechtigungen Abfragen" />

Rechte an: **${request.title}**
unter:         $request.spaceReference
#set ($spaceref="$request.spaceReference")
#set ($title="$request.title")
#set ($docName="${spaceref}.$title")
#set($docRef   = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', $request.spaceReference, $request.title))
#set($newDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($docRef))
## Eine Hash-Liste mit allen Attributen aufbauen
#set ($usersObj = $xwiki.rightsmanager.usersApi.getAllGlobalUsers())
#set ($allUser=[])
#set ($yesLabel="[[image:icon:accept]]")
#set ($noLabel="-")
#foreach ($xx in $usersObj)
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('view',$xx.toString()))      #set ($viewAccess=$yesLabel)      #else #set($viewAccess=$noLabel)     #end
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('edit',$xx.toString()))      #set ($editAccess=$yesLabel)      #else #set($editAccess=$noLabel)     #end
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('comment',$xx.toString()))   #set ($commentAccess=$yesLabel)   #else #set($commentAccess=$noLabel)  #end
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('script',$xx.toString()))    #set ($scriptingAccess=$yesLabel) #else #set($scriptingAccess=$noLabel)#end
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('delete',$xx.toString()))    #set ($deleteAccess=$yesLabel)    #else #set($deleteAccess=$noLabel)   #end
  #if($newDoc.hasAccessLevel('admin',$xx.toString()))     #set ($adminAccess=$yesLabel)     #else #set($adminAccess=$noLabel)   #end
  #set ($id=$xx.toString().replaceAll("^XWiki.",""))
  #set ($discard=$allUser.add({"id" : "$id" , "nachname" : "$xx.last_name", "vorname" : "$xx.first_name", 
  "view" : "$viewAccess", "edit" : "$editAccess", "comment" : "$commentAccess", "scripting" : "$scriptingAccess", "delete" : "$deleteAccess",  "admin" : "$adminAccess" }))
#set ($loopCount=0)

$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/tablefilterNsort.js", true)
#set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use($doc.getFullName()))
[[zurück zur Auswahl>>$doc.getFullName()]]

{{html wiki="false"}}
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(1);" style="cursor:pointer">Nummer</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(2);" style="cursor:pointer">Account</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(3);" style="cursor:pointer">Name</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(4);" style="cursor:pointer">Lesen</input>
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(5);" style="cursor:pointer">Schreiben</input> <br>
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(6);" style="cursor:pointer">Kommentieren</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(7);" style="cursor:pointer">Scripte ausführen</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(8);" style="cursor:pointer">Löschen</input> 
<input type=checkbox checked onclick="toggleColumn(9);" style="cursor:pointer">Administrieren</input>
(% class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven" id="tableid" %)
(% class="sortHeader" %)|= Nr. |=Account |= Name |= Lesen |= Schreiben |= Kommentar |= Scripte\\ausführen |= Löschen |= Administrieren
#foreach ($u in $sorttool.sort($allUser,["nachname:asc"]))
  #set ($loopCount=$loopCount+1)
|(% align=right %) $loopCount. | (% align=left%) $ | (% align=left%) $u.vorname $u.nachname  |(% align=center%)$u.view |(% align=middle%)$u.edit |(% align=middle%)$u.comment |(% align=middle%)(% align=middle%)$u.scripting |(% align=middle%)$u.delete |(% align=middle%) $u.admin

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The following object (type: XWiki.JavaScriptExtension) is needed to toggle visibility of columns
##   function toggleColumn(c) {
##     what1="td:nth-child("+c+")";   require(["jquery"],function($) {$(what1).toggleClass("hidden");});
##     what2="th:nth-child("+c+")";   require(["jquery"],function($) {$(what2).toggleClass("hidden");});
##  };

Could you show us what you put for USERID? Maybe you didn’t put a full reference such as XWiki.MyUserId?

The UserID is fully qualified like “XWiki.use1234”

The program seems to work fine with
$doc.hasAccessLevel(‘comment’ …

but only
$doc.hasAccesLevel(‘edit’ …
return incorrectly a “false”, while the user can the file, which has been tested.
(The rights are granted due the membership to a group with “edit” rights.)

Some additional information:

Further investigation gives that the problem is caused by given group rights: If by “page administration” edit-rights for a page and its children are given to a group these are not shown by “$doc.hasAccessLevel(‘edit’,‘XWiki.user…’)”
Individual edit rights to a user are shown correctly.