Publication workflow

Hi all!
I am sort of stuck…
I try to set up a wiki, or a space where all pages are working with a publication workflow. But it seems, I can´t even set up one workflow at all!

I set up a workflow with this documentation:
I created a workflow and called it dmsys. I created the groups and I added users to each group.
I see the Link for Workflow in the Application-Panel in my xwiki
I see a “PublicationWorkflow”-Link in my Navigation Panel
I can create a page, below that PublicationWorkflow-Page
I can create a page in the area, that I defined for my draft space.
But I can´t enable the workflow itself. What do I need to change to enable the functionality on a certain page in my wiki? Thanks for any hint! I am working on this now for hours without any success!
Best Regards,

Hi Andreas,

you have to configure your panels to show the “workflow” panel.

Then you can activate the workflow on a created page.

I was at this point too. :wink:


but the workflow must be manually activated for each created page? Can´t I set it as standard for all child pages of a space?

For example, suppose I have a AWM Procedures application. I want all Procedures documents to go through the same workflow. And I don´t want someone to create a Procedure Document and forget to push it through the workflow