Q: Database List in AWM?


We are using another wiki in our company and are looking to implement Xwiki instead.
The App Within Minutes was one of the things that made our team to choose xwiki :slight_smile:

But now I try to do a simple (i guess) Database List with selections from another awm class, I feel somewhat dumbstruck :slight_smile:

We have created a awm class that is named “System” with …systems in it .
And then when we try to create “Servers” that should be linked to one or more “system”.

I am stuck here and don’t really know what way to take forward.

Is there anywhere where I can find what the different fields stands for in the Database List property?
ID Field name, Value Field name and such?

Regards Falk


After some messing around with different Classnames this works to make the relation.
But I can’t get my head around how to make it show a link to the page with the system.


Indeed our doc isn’t great about this. I’ve found the following by googling. Maybe it helps: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/How%20to%20configure%20a%20database%20list%20property%20using%20AWM

I’ve now updated https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/DataModel/ and created a link that leads to https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/DataModel/DatabaseList/. I’ve copied the content from https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/How%20to%20configure%20a%20database%20list%20property%20using%20AWM since I think it’ll be more visible and easy to find in this new place. I’ve kept the FAQ entry but made it to point to this new place.

Hope that’ll make it simpler for the future.

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Thanks for the fast answer.
Now I can get the right value and id on the selections!

Next thing is to get it to show as a link, but I guess that I can try out and look in the docs.

Regards Falk

And if someone followed this thread now or in the future.
This is what I ended up with to show the Name in the form.
