Quick Actions in editor: how to remove a group


As a user w/o rights for scripting I can nevertheless select the macro “velocity”. After choosing I will get a warning. It would be nice to not have all those developer macros inside quick actions. As this is a group can I disable a group or do I have to disable all macros one by one? (Problem then could be to find out how they are all named as we use our wiki in german.)

Regards, Simpel

I agree, this is why I started Add concept of required permissions for Macros :slight_smile:

You can hide the Development category, see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Configuration/#HMacroscategoriesandvisibility

This will be the way to go. At start I thought to hide this group only in the Quick Actions but to keep it when using “other macros” button. For macros you can do it this way:

config.removeQuickActions = ['macro-html', 'macro-python','macro-velocity'];

But can I do it with a whole category something like this:

config.removeQuickActions = ['macro-category-Development'];

I don’t think so but will nevertheless ask.

I’m not an expert in quickactions but I’m pretty sure it’s not currently possible.

OTOH the quickactions I’d expect that quickactions feature to honor the rendering.transformation.macro.hiddenCategories config property. If it’s not the case, someone needs to create a jira issue about it.


As Configurable hidden macros categories not working - #3 by Simpel isn’t solved for the moment I’m not sure whether this is the same or another problem. Will wait until the above mentioned question is solved.