RandomStringUtils best practice to define to replace randomAlphanumeric()

Hi devs,

Blaming xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-container/xwiki-platform-container-servlet/src/main/java/org/xwiki/container/servlet/filters/SavedRequestManager.java at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub is deprecated and it’s recommended to use:

RandomStringUtils.secure().next() or secureStrong() or insecure().

It would be good to define a best practice for this and add it to the security dev practices.



Not sure we need a specific best practice for this: if it’s deprecated and there’s a documented solution, sure we should use it as for any API.

that’s the point, we need to pick what we want to use as a replacement. As I mentioned there are 3 options.

We should definitely not use the forced secureStrong() or insecure() 99% of the time.

ok so the best practice is to use secure(). Thx