Realtime WYSIWYG Editor 15.10

Hello, I have been happy to see XWiki 15.10 made available in the test server I am working on. I just retried the WYSIWYG Editor, now 15.10 version, and it is still not possible to have the lock removed.
Am I doing something wrong? If so what could it be?

Here a screenshot of the test, using 2 different accounts one being logged in a private window, and below another screenshot showing all the “Editor” extensions installed.
Are there some that would need being removed, perhaps?


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 11-46-08 Extensions - XWiki

Hello @jmarkoll,

The warning step of users joining a realtime session is expected until Loading... is fixed.
What happens when you click “Force editing” on the warning page?

Hello @mleduc,
When I force editing, this is what happens

The first who edits in in the left window, when the second, on the right, joins editing and hits the Edit button, not only it says the same thing (in the blue warning box), but also it does not see what has been written (tried before and after saving in the left window, same result).

What do you make of it?

Seems like you have an issue with the creation of a collaboration session. I tried locally and when the first user starts the session, the blue box disappear before I have time to read its content.
I can’t really help debug this, but maybe @mflorea will be able to help you.

maybe @mflorea will be able to help you.

That would be nice!

I have an thread parallel to this exactly about the blue box appearing when using a reverse proxy. If you are directly connecting to the application server however it might be something else.

For my understanding the force editing warning is still „normal“ currently as Realtime WYSIWYG is still in experimental state.

Until 15.10 when hitting the force button in the second user UI, we would get the content of what the first user had written. However now it does not even appear anymore. (Just noticing : that’s a new one!)

When using the debug mode while trying to edit collaboratively in WYSIWYG mode, we get this error message:

"GET /xwiki/websocket/xwiki/netflux HTTP/1.1" 404 41153

Seeking for this error message on the web, I found this lead here on the forum:

However the XWiki and tomcat version used by the-glu were older.
From that thread I found this bug report:
« You shouldn’t have to force the page lock to enter a realtime editing session»

  • Affects Version/s: 15.10

So we just need to wait, or is there anything we can do to try improve it?

@TomTheWise thank you for your message, now we are finally able to write in the wiki in realtime in WYSIWYG!

The xwiki_proxy.conf file was modified using a line ProxyPass "/xwiki/websocket/" "ws://"

And yes, the first edition done by a new user coming on the page needs being forced…

Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 12-05-29 XWiki 15.10 RT WYSIWYG test - XWiki

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Our XWiki test install got its updates, including RT WYSIWYG which now is 15.10.5. I was hoping that the Force editing button would not appear anymore when User n°2 would come to edit collaboratively, but it is still there.
I have tried to find a related but report but could not find one?

I looked starting here :

and at the Github sources pages.

Steps to reproduce :

  • Start a new page, start editing
  • Save
  • provide the link to another person (or to yourself in a private page/another user account)
  • try editing at same time

There a Force Editing button such as the one in the screenshot below appears:
23rd 2042 January WYSIWYG edition test - XWiki

=> This happens only once, for each new user coming to edit simultaneously with the other(s).

My question is : is this issue worked on and reported somewhere?

Yes. See Loading... . We plan to work on this and other real-time edit bugs / improvements in the coming months.


@mflorea thank you very much.
I guess there is no deadline to reach for this feature to work flawlessly? Or is there one?

We’re hoping to enable the real-time edit by default in XWiki 16.2, by the end of March.


@mflorea I wasn’t aware there would be a new branch to work with so soon, so I guess there is already a 16.x version out? In order to keep up with the progress on the real-time edit and reach the 16.x editions shall we need to install anew or can it be done through the usual update procedures?


We’re starting a new release cycle at the beginning of each year. See for more information. So 16.x cycle has already started and in fact 16.0.0 is planned to be released today (16.0.0RC1 was released some days ago).

The work on real-time editing will be done on master branch (16.x) but we’ll try to back-port all the changes that are not dangerous to the LTS branch (15.10.x). So in order to check the latest state of real-time editing you’ll have to upgrade XWiki to 15.10.x or 16.x


Good morning @mflorea, we have 15.10.5 recently updated. Thanks for all your information!