Redeploying XWiki to ROOT is not working as described

Hello, I am trying to redeploy XWiki (11.10.2 - docker image) using the ROOT context as described here.

While checking the docker logs after restarting the image this is what I am finding:

Configuring XWiki...
    Setting environment variables
      Deploying XWiki in the 'ROOT' context
    Replacing environment variables in files
    sed: can't read /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml: No such file or directory


Configuring XWiki...
    Setting environment variables
      Deploying XWiki in the 'ROOT' context
    Replacing environment variables in files
    sed: can't read /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg: No such file or directory

Yes, I know those files are not in that directory.

I have tried omitting the “CONTEXT_PATH” environment variable as well as setting it to ROOT (vs “xwiki”). Additionally, the xwiki.cfg file (under /usr/local/xwiki/data/xwiki.cfg) contains the setting “xwiki.webapppath=”.

I am using nginx as a proxy using the configuration here

Everything runs fine when using the context path: .

However, the goal is to run it under

Is there some documentation I missed? …because the solution in the docs isn’t working or a I missed a config step somewhere.

Incidentally, re-initializing the system is not an option as the system was already deployed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @gcurrier. Would you mind creating a jira issue at XWiki Docker images - JIRA and I’ll have a look?

Thanks for reporting.