Redirect issue and undeletable page


I tried to create a redirect to an external page via Adding a Redirect Class. Unfortunately it doesnt seem
to be working with an external url. After the failed attempt a page called //app will now be shown in the main nav-directory. When entering a text shows up “that the page is not existing, would you like to create one?”

How do i get rid of that page? Only Page options are administration, no deleting function.
I’m not able to access the document-index at the moment due to erasing it from the side bar.


Hi, see:

You can use the script approach for your use case.

Hi Vincent,

it guess this can’t solve it because my problem isn’t the redirect page itself. I was able to edit the the page and delete the redirect class but i’m not able to delete the page “//app” which was generated with the faulty redirect.

Maybe the question is another. How to remove a page that is shown in the navigation panel but has no content at all ( is shown as: would you like to create a page here)

@Torell The issue isn’t the page then. If the page says it doesn’t exist then it means you’re seeing it in the Nav panel because there’s another page, which is probably hidden. You can try to turn on hidden pages. See

Good idea but didn’t work either.
No hidden document was appearing.

I created Content for all the pages visible and pressed the hidebutton.
That worked. In Germany we say, out ouf the eyes, out of the mind! :wink:

Could you post some screenshots of the navigation panel when your user is viewing hidden docs + a screenshot of the page when you click on it in the nav panel? Thx