Regression issues on XWiki 11.10.11 LTS

Yeah I’m really sorry about this. It’ll be fixed very quickly (matter of 1-2 days at most).

Don’t be, everyone understand complexity of coding.

@Pbas I can reproduce in 11.10.11 on Sandbox so please create a JIRA for that too.

I’m now checking when the problem started appearing, probably a while ago.

ok more annoying, when I edit a page, the “save and Close” button doesn’t work (I refresh the page to make it working)
Tomorrow I will reinit my préprod server to give you log upgrade failed

So I confirm that it works well in 11.10.10 so it’s a regression of 11.10.11.

@Pbas I need more info to reproduce as I cannot. I edited the home page in 11.10.11 and clicked “save & view” and it worked fine (both in WYSIWYG editor and in wiki editor).

EDIT: Maybe your browser cache wasn’t not refreshed? Can you reproduce?

It seems that it’s a browser cache issue indeed but I’m not sure. I didn’t found a way to reproduce).

Ok I testing again the direct upgrade. It’s working fine.
My previous upgrade failed because I didn’t have enough space on my disk (I have 15Go in my data store) and data( or database) was half migrated.

ok that’s great to hear :slight_smile: