Regression issues on XWiki 11.10.11 LTS


FYI, direct upgrade Xwiki 10.11.3 to XWiki 11.10.11 failed.
Logs display issues with database version and issues to mv files in environment.permanentDirectory path
To fix it, I upgrade Xwiki 10.11.3 to XWiki 11.10.10 (use the DW) and XWiki 11.10.11 (use the DW)

More annoying this regression with live table: html parameter doesn’t work anymore.

This LT field ‘CodeAuto_AuteurFic_RO’: {‘type’:‘text’,‘html’:true} generate on Xwiki 10.11.3:

<a href="/bin/view/XWiki/chrxxxx">Christoxx xxxx<span class="ServAuteur">SGxxxxx</span></a>

but on new XWiki 11.10.11:

&lt;span class="wikilink"&gt;&lt;a href="/bin/view/XWiki/xxxxx"&gt;Christoxx xxxx&lt;span class="ServAuteur"&gt;SG/xxxx&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;

Any help?


Exemple with users directory: working fine with “email property type” only. I wonder why my live table didn’t working anymore with XWiki 11.10.11? Any ideas?

By the way on XWiki 11.10.11 “Go To” shortcut doesn’t display all WebHome anymore like these screenshots:

Is it normal?

Another issue: The button “enregistrer et fermer” (save and close) doesn’t work sometimes (I’m still in xwiki editing mode and I must refresh page to make it work).

To test html issue in live table:

  • add a property “test” test (test: String) inXWiki.XWikiUsers
  • edit a user in object mode: add some html code in “test” property:
<a href=""></a>

save it

  • in sandbox page, paste this code:

#set($columns = ["_avatar", "first_name", "last_name", "email","test", "doc.creationDate", "_actions"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
    "_avatar" : { "type" : "none", "link" : "none", "html" : "true", "sortable":false },
    "first_name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20, "link" : "view"},
    "last_name" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
    "email" : { "type" : "text", "html" : "true"},
    "test" : { "type" : "text", "html" : "true"}
#set($options = { 
   "translationPrefix" : "xe.userdirectory.",
   "tagCloud" : true,
   "rowCount": 10
#livetable("userdirectory" $columns $columnsProperties $options)
  • display live table display html code none interpreted:

WDYM by “anymore”? In which version did you have a different behavior?


Could you provide more info about the problem you had? We need to fix this if there’s a problem. A JIRA issue would be nice. Thx

The behavior changed in the past (but I don’t recall in which version). Before HTML was automatically interpreted and starting in some version this was broken and you started needing to use html = true if you had some xproperties returning HTML.

However it seems you’re reporting something different here.

Going to try it with with your user directory example.

Hello, “html” livetable parameter working well on XWiki 10.11.3 but not on 11.10.11

I wasn’t talking about LT but about the Go To feature :slight_smile:

ty “email” type working well but not “text” type like this example: Regression issues on XWiki 11.10.11 LTS - #3 by Pbas

ok sorry, same version: XWiki 10.11.3 display WebHome but not on 11.10.11

I deleted log file but tomorrow I will retry to post logs informations

FWIW it’s working in 11.10.5, now going to test with 11.10.11.

Could you tell me what to do to reproduce the problem?

Sure you must add a property “test” test (test: String) inXWiki.XWikiUsers and folow these steps: Regression issues on XWiki 11.10.11 LTS - #3 by Pbas
(email type working well)

No no , I meant for the “Go To” issue :slight_smile:

For the LT, as I said it works on 11.10.5 and I’m now downloading 11.10.10 and 11.10.11 to test it there too.

ha ha sorry again.
I use Ctrl+G, and typing “SomeSpace” in GoTo input text field, all pages are proposed (included Somespace.WebHome) but as soon I continue typing “SomeSpace.” (with dot) or “SomeSpace.W”, WebHome page is not listed anymore

  • Works fine in 11.10.10
  • Fails in 11.10.11!!!

So we have an important regression in 11.10.11. :frowning:

Could you report a JIRA issue ASAP please?

Thanks a lot for discovering this bug @Pbas!

I’m now checking the “Go To” issue.

I made a mistake, I checked with 10.11.10 and not 11.10.10, rechecking with 11.10.10 now.

EDIT: in any case it was failing with 11.10.5 but I’d like to know when it started failing.

Sure :slight_smile:
No problem, I must show our XWiki at SILL members at the end of this month and I wanted to upload my Xwiki before (unfortunaly I found theses issues).