Regressions for 16.10.2 do not show up in release notes page

If I got the Velocity code right, these should be the issues found by the JQL in 16.10.2 Release Notes page : Loading...

But no Regressions box is present in that wiki page, I guess because the script is commented out.

Would it be feasible to propose a message in the Jira macro when the query would return no issues?

Fixed. The display of regressions is actually not automated in release notes, it needs to be enabled by hand right now.

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Thank you.

The same holds for 16.10.3, as a regression has already been filed: Loading...

Fixed too.

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I’ve now:

What’s important is that this macro checks if there are blockers and doesn’t display anything if there are non, so no need for a manual step to uncomment a velocity macro anymore :slight_smile:

I’ve used it on (which was not listing any blocker btw since we had not uncommented the velocity part).

In both the e.x.o and 17.0.0 pages

Seems to be XWiki 16.10.3-node2, on node1 works.

Thx for the report. I’ve now fixed it (it seems we have some sync issues between the 2 nodes in the cluster).

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We had a comm issue between the nodes, it’s now been fixed.

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