Hello, GSoC students and mentors.
I would like to remind you that the final evaluation deadline is due in less than a week (next Monday). Below is an extract from the timeline:
August 16-23: Students wrap up their projects and submit final evaluation of their mentor which includes:
1) link to their work product (code) and
2) their Final Evaluation of their Mentor
August 23 18:00 UTC: Deadline for Students to submit their Final Evaluation
August 23-30: Mentors submit final evaluations of students
August 30 18:00 UTC: Deadline for submission of Mentor's Final Evaluation of their Student
August 31: Students passing GSoC 2021 are announced
Make sure you are clear on the expectations and do not forget to:
- properly document, package and release your student “work product” (i.e. everything you have worked on during the GSoC) and
- fill in the final evaluation, when requested by Google.
Students and mentors need to work together and make sure the work package respects Google’s requirements. Students should not submit the their final evaluation before consulting with the mentor regarding the work package link.
Also, as suggested in the requirements, this would be the perfect time to blog about your experience and the work you’ve done during this summer.
Hope you’ve had a great time, that you’ve grown to like XWiki’s community and, based on your evolution, to see you on the list of successful students
-The XWiki Development Team