Replication Application 0.2 released

I’m pleased to announce the second alpha version of the Replication Application.

This main focus of this version was to improve the synchronization of page history:

  • various bugfixes on the previously supported use cases
  • replication of page history versions delete
  • a first version of conflict resolution between instances (make sure that all instance eventually end up with the same history when several of them modify the same document at the same time)

The low level replication framework was also improved to be less resource consuming when dealing with unreachable target instances (network issue, instance down for some reason, etc.).

See more details on Replication Application (

The focus for 0.3 will be:

  • replication of attachment content
  • more work on the conflict resolution
  • start providing some UI to monitor and control the replication of pages

Great! This is something which we will love to see unfold!