I’m pleased to announce the fourth alpha version of the Replication Application.
This version fix three important limitations:
- attachments contents are now replicated too, so there is nothing missing anymore in a document
- there is now a UI to control which entity is replicated with which instance, the UI still need some love, but I had to stop somewhere to stick to one release per month
- the extension is now translatable, and you can contribute translations for your language on XWiki Contrib/Application Replication - Default @ Weblate XWiki.org
This version also introduce the concept of restricted replication: you can configure a page to be replicated fully or empty (which will create a placeholder for this page in the target instance).
See more details on Replication Application (XWiki.org) .
The main focus for 0.5 will be:
- introduce the concept of readonly replication (full replication, but only one way)
- add monitoring info in the UI (replication status of a given page/instance, force a replication, etc.)