Request for a contrib repository for the LLM matrix bot

Hi everyone,

@ppantiru implemented a matrix bot for the LLM project in Python (based on an existing Python bot) that allows asking questions to the LLM. In the future, further features like summarizing conversions could be added. While this belongs to the LLM project, it feels strange to have a Python submodule. From a quick glance there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward way to integrate it in the Maven build setup. Therefore, we think it would be cleaner to have a separate repository with a Python build setup for the bot.

What do you think about ai-llm-bot or ai-llm-matrix-bot as the main repository is named ai-llm?

Thank you very much!

I prefer ai-llm-matrix-bot since we could imagine llm bots for other chat tools.

I wonder if we need to indicate the language in the name since it’s not our typical language (ie java). If we want to have an llm matrix bot in java, what would we name it?


PS: I feel that a java-based bot would have been better since that’s what this community knows best so it would have had more chance of being supported in the future (we did some python in the past and it got lost when the creator left and we had to redo the code in java after several years). YMMV.