Request for a new contrib repository - CQL

Hello everyone,

Would it be possible to create a cql contrib repository?

This would contain extensions for manipulating the Confluence Query Language, which is somewhat equivalent to the Solr Query Language in that it allows querying things from Lucene in Confluence, but specific to Confluence.

Tools to manipulate CQL in XWiki would allow us to write bridge macros, or macro converters, or other means to help people coming from Confluence and use macros that use CQL, like “Content by Label” migrate their content to XWiki.

At first, the repository would contain:

  • a CQL parser
  • a CQL to Solr query language translator using this parser.

Note: there is a related contrib repository, confluence, but cql and confluence would have different release schedule and don’t apply to the same things, also code using one will not necessarily depend on the other. The confluence contrib package is mostly for manipulating Confluence document syntaxes and manipulating Confluence export packages. So a separate repository is desirable.

My github username is raphj.

If you need more details don’t hesitate to ask of course.

Note: JQL, used in Jira, is very close to CQL, so we can discuss about actually having a repository to handle this family of query languages.

Interesting indeed. I’m wondering what name would work for this family.

Anyway, It’s fine to start with “cql” and rename the repository later if needed, IMO.

For me, the grouping should be business oriented and not tech oriented. I don’t see any interest in having a similar repo for CQL, JQL, XWQL, etc. They’ll have different release cycles and are closer to their respective domains (confluence, jira, xwiki, etc).




Great, thank you very much, that was quick :slight_smile: