I would like to request a private WIKI to be used as a private knowledge base for technical articles
- description: private WIKI to be used as a private knowledge base for technical articles
- owner name** : Jorge De Almeida Pinto
- wiki name: iamTEC
Best Regards,
I cannot find this user on myxwiki.org.
How about checking the same name without the spaces, therefore: “JorgeDeAlmeidaPinto” instead of “Jorge De Almeida Pinto” (habbit of typing my name)
thanks and best regards,
No such user id on https://myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/JorgeDeAlmeidaPinto.
I think you missed the fact that myxwiki.org is independent of that forum and you have to register there.
Simpler is you just register again and I will delete the wrong one.
will reregister then. be occur within 15 minutes