Dear XWikiers,
Currently I can manage view rights of all users.
But I want to: (similar to Restrict number of page views of unregistered users to 5 pages each time. Quora has 1 page view which can be viewed without login. I need users to regiter/sign up to view more than 5 pages each time.
How can I do that? Any help appreciated…
Interesting use case. You’ll need to plug in your custom authorization or custom Right Settler (or extend the existing one), see
I don’t know much about this module so I can’t give you more info but that’s where you need to look at. Code is at xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-security at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub
Thanks. I thought of using cookies though I have no much idea about it.