Retire the old real-time editing projects from contrib

Hi everyone,

I’m proposing to retire / deprecate the following real-time related projects from xwiki-contrib:

The code from these projects has been refactored and moved to XWiki commons and platform.

+1 on my side.



However there’s one dependency license to sort out: chainpad which is AGPL and might not be compatible with our LGPL license. We may want to solve this one first since if it’s not possible to check it, we might need to move back the realtime feature to a contrib project and not bundle it in XS. Would be a pity though…

The first two projects (WebSocket support and Netflux WebSocket end-point, i.e. the back-end) are not affected by the license. The license affects only the font-end modules. So I don’t see a problem with retiring the first two.

As for the last two projects (the front-end), even if we move back the code to xwiki-contrib, it won’t be the same GitHub repos. The code has been refactored and reorganized a lot, plus I’m not sure the old repo names follow our naming best practices. So overall, I don’t think the license issue stops us from retiring these projects.
