Retrieve password or username down?


It seems that the function to retrieve password/username is down for the free instances (mine is “Kan”, if helpful). I waited a few days and tried both function to be sure, to be sure I’m not failing between my chair and keyboard :slight_smile:

Have a good day, thanks !


thanks for the report it seems there’s indeed an issue on We’re investigating on it.


Do you have any update ?


the mails seem to be properly sent now but it’s possible some emails were lost. You should be able to use again the reset password feature.

[Edit: so actually it’s not entirely fixed: we are hitting some problems with the antispam filter of our provider. Basically sending a lots of notifications are considered as spam and it’s blocking traffic from We are working on it to fix it, I’ll try to keep you posted.]

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See Mails blocked on

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Thanks for the update ! Maybe I’ll stop test it as it could get it down :slight_smile: