Rights for search page

New to XWIKI (Confluence refugee) and we have two Wikis, one public, one private. Works great, except if you type keywords into the search field in the top menu bar, XWIKI wants a login. I believe the search page does not have rights for all users, but can’t figure out how to set it. Any time I edit the page, it wants to set rights for the parent, but not the page.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.


Hello, welcome to XWiki :wink:

What you describe is not the default in XWiki for sure so it must come from some configuration that you set up. To check the search result page rights, you can check http://<server:port>/xwiki/bin/admin/Main/WebPreferences (this is controlling the permissions for the Main space, i.e. including the http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Search page, which is a terminal page).

It’s because the search page is a terminal page and not a nested page.

In XWiki you can only set permissions for spaces. See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/ContentOrganization/#HTerminology