Hi devs,
XWiki Standard
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Underline inline links
- Loading... - Icons for box macros
- Loading... - keyboard navigation for CKEditor image selection
- Loading... - webstandards in administration section: Extensions
- Loading... - webstandards in administration section: search suggest
- New:
- Loading... - Macro edition implicit submission
- Loading... - Shortcut as user parameters
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- PDF export - Marius
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- XWIKI-20712: The side box used by the Encyclopedia template appears after the content when exporting to PDF. Requires:
- XWIKI-21419: Move the Templates Application to XWiki Platform
- XWIKI-21420: Improve the Encyclopedia template
- XWIKI-20712: The side box used by the Encyclopedia template appears after the content when exporting to PDF. Requires:
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Compiled XDOM - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... : Add a preparation/compilation pass to the document content and title
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations - Manuel
- New:
- Security issues - Pierre
- To be taken from Loading...
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- New:
- Document Rights - Michael
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Introduce the notion of document rights
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Upgrade to Solr9 and migration from previous versions - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- UI/UX improvements - Thiago + Adina
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Adina:
- Continue to work on mockups for the Global Admin UI and wrap up the discussion to start the implementation: Loading...
- Thiago:
- Wrap up discussions and design for notifications inbox page (needed for Loading...)
- Adina:
- New:
- Thiago:
- Loading... - Proposal for improvements to main Search UI
- Loading... - Improvements on the layout of App Actions
- Loading... - Inconsistent use of icons for “Close” and “Delete”
- Thiago:
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Realtime - Marius + Dorian
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- XWIKI-21767: Dynamic macros are not properly synchronized
- XWIKI-21765: Macros that load custom CSS are not properly synchronized
- New:
- XWIKI-20191: Add the Source button for the Realtime editor
- XWIKI-21625: You shouldn’t have to force the page lock to enter a realtime editing session
- XWIKI-19178: Scroll position changes when the content of the Realtime Wiki Editor is updated as a result of a remote change
- XWIKI-19174: Editing the same page with different realtime editors (Wiki and WYSIWYG) doesn’t work properly
- XWIKI-21899: Bundle the real-time Wiki editor in XWiki Standard
- Prevent users with different programming/script access level to enter the same realtime editing session.
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security Vulnerabilities - Pierre
- New:
- Loading... - Only show the red bell for security issues if an action can be done
- New:
- Notifications Improvements - Simon
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Revamping of notification watch buttons - Loading...
- New:
- Support filtering and sorting in LD for notification custom filters: Loading...
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Javax → Jakarta migration - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- start working on Servlet API bridging from javax.servlet to jakarta.servlet
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Fix performance with large number of revisions - Pierre
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
Contrib & Others
- Cristal contrib extension - Manuel + Thiago
- New:
- Thiago:
- Loading... - Propose UI design for Search
- Loading... - Propose UI Design for Navigation Panels
- Loading... - UI Design for Log-in flows
- Vincent/Manuel:
- Component Manager: Loading... - Manuel
- Logging: Loading... - Manuel
- Configuration: Loading... - Manuel
- If enough time:
- Extension: Loading...
- Microkernel: Loading...
- design.xwiki.org: Loading... - Vincent
- ADR implementation: Loading... - Vincent
- Thiago:
- New:
- WAISE project, Contrib extension - Michael + Paul
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - API for authorization (Michael)
- Loading... - Add a token-based authenticator (Michael)
- Loading... - Develop a JavaScript library to access prompts and the chat (Paul)
- Loading... - (If there’s still time) Develop a chat UI that is independent of XWiki and can be embedded in any application (Paul)
- New:
- Loading... - Add support for indexing existing XWiki spaces (Michael)
- Loading... - Use JAX-RS 2.1 to implement streaming responses (Michael)
- Loading... - Integrate with the embedded Solr 9 in XWiki (Paul)
- Plan the benchmark and start collecting questions/tasks and content
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security issues - Pierre
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Change Request - Simon
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Bad display of mail notifications
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Replication - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Allow giving a higher priority to a specific message
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- OpenID Connect - Thomas
- New:
- Loading... - Implement backchannel logout
- New:
- Markdown Syntax - Pierre:
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Upgrade of XWiki.org - Simon
- Confluence Syntax - Michael
- https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/CONFLUENCE-208 - Avoid importing dummy empty paragraphs with class “auto-cursor-target”
- All: BFDs on Thursdays
- All: Fix flickers
- All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs.
- 16.2.0RC1: 18th of March 2024
- 16.2.0 : 25th of March 2024