Hi devs,
Some roadmap proposal for XS 12.0 (already started).
- Velocity Upgrade - Thomas (note: mostly done already)
- Notifications: new scalable architecture investigation - Thomas
- Size reduction of export with history - Loading... - Thomas
- Page name strategies - Simon
- Possiblity to validate page names with default or custom strategies
- Add the possibility to automatically generate slugs for page names
- Prevent creation of pages with “”/“” and “”"" in the name by default
- Visual diff improvements - Marius
- Investigate and make a proposal for in-line editing - Marius
- Emojis in Wysiwyg editor - Marius
- 12.0RC1: 20th of Jan 2020
- 12Final: 27th of Jan 2020
Let me know if you’re ok or not ok. I’ll create the page on the wiki later today or tomorrow if all is ok.