Hi devs,
Main theme for 13.x
Content for 13.7
Leftovers from 13.6:
- FASTEN: Thomas
- TODO Thomas: update according to what was done/not done
- If fasten is released
- Start using the FASTEN Maven plugin in the XWiki build (but currently blocked by a released of the fasten-core which is still only SNAPSHOT)
- Start working on a FASTEN extension to analyze installed dependencies and report FASTEN risks
- If the new license validation REST API is available
- Finish first version of the license validation analyzer in the Maven plugin
- Continue converting LT to LD: CryptPad - Manuel
- Security issues - Guillaume C
- XWIKI-16544
- XWIKI-6729
- XWIKI-18600
- If enough time: try running https://wapiti.sourceforge.io/ on xwiki
- If enough time: XWIKI-10229
- Realtime integration in XS - Marius
- Loading...
- Loading...
- Loading...
- Add more here (we need an issue to integrate the RT extension in platform for example)
New work:
- LD improvements - Manuel
- Improving LD performance (improving less compilation time on first render)
- add more?
- Instance Replication extension work - Thomas
- Add details here
- Change Request extension work - Simon
- Allow to rebase a change request: Loading...
- Allow editing a page directly from a change request: Loading...
- All: BFD
- All: Fix flickers
- 13.7RC1: 23rd of August (4 weeks, since lots of holidays)
- 13.7Final: 30th of August (1 week)