Hi devs,
XWiki Standard
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Underline inline links
- Loading... - Icons for box macros
- Loading... - xwiki.org home page accessibility
- New:
- Loading... - keyboard navigation for CKEditor image selection
- XWIKI-21772 → XWIKI-21779 : Increase coverage of web standard tests to every Admin section.
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- PDF export - Marius
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- XWIKI-20712: The side box used by the Encyclopedia template appears after the content when exporting to PDF Requires:
- XWIKI-21419: Move the Templates Application to XWiki Platform
- XWIKI-21420: Improve the Encyclopedia template
- XWIKI-20712: The side box used by the Encyclopedia template appears after the content when exporting to PDF Requires:
- New:
- XWIKI-21763: Disable the server-side image resizing while exporting to PDF
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Compiled XDOM - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... : Add a preparation/compilation pass to the document content and title
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations - Manuel
- New:
- Loading... Replace the Livetable from DocumentsMacro with a Live Data macro
- Loading... Replace the Livetable of the System Filters of the Notifications Administration with a Live Data macro
- New:
- Security issues - Pierre
- To be taken from Loading...
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Document Rights - Michael
- New:
- Loading... - Introduce the notion of document rights
- New:
- Upgrade to Solr9 and migration from previous versions - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- UI/UX improvements - Thiago + Adina
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- TODO Adina: List here what was planned in 16.0.0 and not done
- Thiago:
- Loading... Wrap up discussions and design for notifications inbox page
- New:
- TODO Adina: List here new jira issues for 16.1.0
- Thiago:
- Loading... Access to user profile page is duplicated, (design)
- Loading... Provide better controls for editing the profile picture (avatar) (design)
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Realtime - Marius + Dorian
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- XWIKI-21575: Real-time editing is using AGPL-licensed dependencies which is not compatible with XWiki’s LGPL license
- New:
- XWIKI-21836: Realtime editing doesn’t work well with temporary attachments
- XWIKI-21767: Dynamic macros are not properly synchronized
- XWIKI-21765: Macros that load custom CSS are not properly synchronized
- XWIKI-19157: Make the real-time WYSIWYG editor work in-place also
- XWIKI-19156: Bundle the real-time Wiki and WYSIWYG editors in XWiki Standard
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security Vulnerabilities - Manuel
- New:
- Forum proposal for the security vulnerability UI & processes
- New:
- Notifications Improvements - Simon
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Fix usemainstore/uselocalstore properties for notifications: Loading...
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Javax → Jakarta migration - Thomas
- New:
- start working on Servlet API bridging (see if we would reduce the brakage related to APIs which currently expose the javax.servlet.* classes by bridging as much as possible)
- New:
- Fix performance with large number of revisions - Pierre
Contrib & Others
- Cristal contrib extension - Manuel + Thiago
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Thiago: Loading... (ongoing)
- New:
- Thiago: Wireframes and flow for the following user stories:
- Datasource switching: Loading...
- Doc Info: Loading...
- Move/rename: Loading...
- Sync Status: Loading...
- Manuel (+ Vincent)
- Define project milestones (and publish them)
- Define the MVP clearly
- Define minimal back end endpoints/apis
- Decide if rendering is implemented client-side or not (and if in MVP or not)
- Idea: implement only MD rendering in client-side
- Provide distributions for users (electron binary and/or server binary)
- Thiago: Wireframes and flow for the following user stories:
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- WAISE project, Contrib extension - Michael + Paul
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - API for authorization (Michael)
- Loading... - Query support (Paul)
- New:
- Loading... - First version of RAG (Paul)
- Loading... - Add a token-based authenticator (Michael)
- Loading... - Add support for chat request filters (Michael)
- Loading... - Develop a JavaScript library to access prompts and the chat (Paul)
- Loading... - (If there’s still time) Develop a chat UI that is independent of XWiki and can be embedded in any application (Paul)
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security issues - Pierre
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Change Request - Simon
- New:
- Loading... - Editing a diagram document in an open CR does not open the Diagram Pro app
- Loading... - Bad display of mail notifications
- New:
- Replication - Thomas
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Loading... - Allow giving a higher priority to a specific message
- Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Word-based notifications - Simon
- New:
- Loading... - Receive a notification when a watched word is removed
- Loading... - Incorrect read status and grouping of Word-Based notification events in the list
- Loading... - Event description from the notifications mail is displayed as a string
- New:
- Markdown Syntax - Pierre:
- New:
- All: BFDs on Thursdays
- All: Fix flickers
- All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs
- 16.1.0RC1: 19th of February 2024
- 16.1.0 : 26th of February 2024