Roadmap for XWiki 15.7

Hi devs,

Here’s the proposed roadmap for XWiki 15.7.

XWiki Standard

  • Outstanding from past roadmaps:

  • New work:

    • New Security issues - Michael
    • UI proposals on the forum to finish - Adina
      • Send forum proposals for all of the 12 topics
      • Push devs to answer and conclude on each proposal
      • For the agreed proposals, prepare some HTML/JS/CSS
    • What’s New: Improved UI - Adina (with help from Vincent)
      • Implement the HTML/JS/CSS
      • UI support for news item images: Loading...
    • Realtime bugfixes - Dorian (with help from Marius)
      • TODO: list some jiras.
    • New WCAG issues - Lucas
    • Outstanding improvements/bugs for the security vulnerabilities in XS - Manuel
      • TODO: list some jiras
    • Navigation tree improvements? - Marius
      • TODO: list jiras
      • Clean up seminar work
    • Compiled XDOM? - Thomas

Contrib & Others

  • Outstanding from previous roadmaps:
    • Recommend/stabilize the URL Normalizer - Thomas
      • Admin UI to enable/disable the feature
      • Proposal to merge the extension in platform
    • Change Request - Simon


  • All: BFDs on Thursdays
  • All: Fix flickers
  • All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs


  • 15.7 RC1: 21st of August 2023
  • 15.7 Final: 28th of August 2023


@mflorea / @douakli : you have some TODOs above. Could you please list the jiras?
@mleduc : you also have some TODOs
@tmortagne : could you list a jira for the compiled XDOM work?


Hi Vincent,

XWIKI-20938: Add ability to insert an image using the keyboard is closed so it is not outstanding from previous roadmap.

I’m also going to do some new work:

Quick Actions:
XWIKI-21169: Write functional tests for image insertion Quick Action
XWIKI-21180: Can’t upload image using the image Quick Action when in iframe edit mode
XWIKI-21181: Image Quick Action’s drop-down is using a / prefix.
XWIKI-21182: The Image Quick Action doesn’t use a relative reference for attachments from the current page
XWIKI-21189: Better hints for heading Quick Actions
XWIKI-21191: Add support for uploading an attachment from the link quick action

I’ll let @mflorea list the jiras for realtime bugfixes as I am not aware of what needs to be done.


There’s also:

This means 8 issues on Quick Actions (and possibly more after more tests).

I’m not sure we have time for Realtime bug fixes in August, given the list of issues to be fixed on Quick Actions, but if Dorian manages to progress fast then two issues that he could work on are:

On my side, I have the following PDF Export issues to fix:

This leaves little room for Realtime and Navigation Tree in 15.7. I’d give the remaining time to Navigation Tree because it’s more fresh in my memory, and also because once I switch to realtime I probably won’t have time to get back to Navigation Tree till the end of the year.

@vmassol WDYT?


Indeed, the roadmap for 15.7 was proposed on the 19th of July and Loading... was closed on that same day :wink:

Now since the 15.7 dev period started on the day 15.6 was released (i.e. 31/7/2023), it should indeed not be in this roadmap.

Sounds good. Indeed, the priority is the PDF export for 15.7 for you. And if you have time, I agree that the Nav tree would be nice.

Yes, initially, I remember you told me that there was little work remaining for Dorian on quick actions, but I see that some new bugs and leftovers are there (like the functional tests). I definitely agree that we should focus on fully finishing the Quick Actions for Dorian before moving to Realtime.


Roadmap published at

@mflorea Could you create a jira for Navigation tree improvements? (even if you don’t do it in 15.7 we need it for the future). Thx

The commits on Comparing master...feat-navigation-panel-actions · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub have been pushed against Loading... so I’ll probably used the same issue, at least for the improvements related to the tree context menu.

Done in 15.6.

Nothing planned currently.