Hi devs,
Content for 16.0.0
General goals:
- Introduce new important changes in 16.0.0 (ie early in the cycle to have the time to stabilize)
- Finish work for 15.10.x
- Stabilization
- Finish features started in the XWiki 15.x cycle so that they are considered finished by the stakeholders. It’s important to plan quickly a meeting with your stakeholders to discuss that.
- We didn’t finish migrating from LT to LD, we need to progress and finish it ideally in 15.10.x
- We need to finish realtime so that it’s business ready in 15.10.x
- Re WCAG, we need to ideally finish fixing all issues for 15.10.x too. If not possible we need to define a target.
- New PDF export: needs to not have known important bugs open
- All these should be merged on the 15.10.x branch
XWiki Standard
Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Loading... - Livedata alternative to drag controls
- Loading... - Underline inline links
- Loading... - Icons for box macros
- Loading... - xwiki.org home page accessibility
- PDF export bug fixes (BFD?) - Marius
- What’s New: Improved UI - Vincent
- UI support for news item images: Loading...
- Using https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/Design%20of%20What’s%20new%20feature/#HUpdated28afterforumdiscussion29
- Update: new drawer POC was done and is working.
- Vincent: I’m not sure we need to merge it in 15.10.x, the move to the drawer can be considered an impprovement for 16.x
- UI support for news item images: Loading...
- Compiled XDOM - Thomas
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations - Manuel
- Was previously assigned to Michael. Re-assigning to Manuel if time permits
- Ideally for 15.10.x unless too dangerous (would be good to have consistency in 15.10.x on LT/LD as much as possible)
- Loading... - Replace the sub-wiki Current Members live table with live data
- Security issues - Michael
- Required rights improvements - Michael
- XWIKI-21607: XWiki.PDFClass is not triggering required rights warnings
- Upgrade to Solr9 and migration from previous versions - Thomas
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
New work:
- New Security issues
- UI/UX improvements - Thiago + Adina
- Adina:
- wrap up the xDocFooter revamp discussion
- gather ideas for Tags page revamp
- start exploring more ideas for the search dropdown revamp
- Thiago:
- research improvements on the registering UI Loading...
- start proposal for the inbox page of notifications Loading...
- Adina:
- Realtime (some items are outstanding from past roadmaps)
- Marius
- XWIKI-21575: Real-time editing is using AGPL-licensed dependencies which is not compatible with XWiki’s LGPL license
- XWIKI-21558: If a macro is modified by another user while the macro edit modal is open, we cannot update the macro
- Start adding support for dynamic macros:
- XWIKI-21767: Dynamic macros are not properly synchronized
- XWIKI-21765: Macros that load custom CSS are not properly synchronized
- Dorian
- XWIKI-19181: The autosave doesn’t behave nicely when a merge conflict occurs
- XWIKI-19180: In case of merge conflict choosing “Reload editors” won’t refresh the content
- Marius
- Security Vulnerabilities - Manuel
- Requirements meeting with Stakeholder to discuss what we need to do to bundle the extension again in XS
- Fix usemainstore/uselocalstore properties for notifications - Simon
- Javax → Jakarta migration - Thomas
- if enough time besides Solr9 migration to finish + the XDOM compilation start working on Servelt API bridging (see if we would reduce the brakage related to APIs which currently expose the javax.servlet.* classes by bridging as much as possible)
- Finish LT → LD - Manuel
Contrib & Others
Outstanding from previous roadmaps:
- Cristal contrib extension:
- Thiago:
- Continue mockups of the main UI elements
- Manuel
- Continuous delivery of artifacts (web/electron + documentation)
- Thiago:
- WAISE project, Contrib extension - Paul, Michael
- Michael:
- Paul
- Loading...
- Loading... with help from Michael
- Security issues
- Pierre:
- Cristal contrib extension:
New work:
- Cristal contrib extension - Manuel + Thiago
- Manuel:
- Loading... - Introduce a file system storage
- Thiago:
- Loading... - Propose Wireframes for basic navigation elements
- Manuel:
- WAISE - Michael
- TODO: list new stuff here
- WAISE - Paul
- Loading... - API for authorization
- Loading... - Query support
- Loading... - some code refactoring work
- Change Request - Simon
- Replication - Thomas
- Loading... (message priority system)
- Word-based notifications - Simon
- Upgrade of Weblate - Simon
- Cristal contrib extension - Manuel + Thiago
- All: BFDs on Thursdays
- All: Fix flickers
- All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs
- 16.0.0RC1: 22nd of January 2024
- 16.0.0: 29th of January 2024