RtWysiwyg Tests with RtWysiwyg 1.37 and Xwiki 11.10.3

Some questions concerning RtWysiwyg - it now generally works and I wanted to see if it works better than with Xwiki 10.11.

Several things I observed during first quick tests:

  • Other user’s avatars are displayed at a huge size and are cut off, only the topmost region is visible and overlays the editor symbol bars:
  • After editing, in most cases a conflict dialog seems to appear, and/or the Rt session content’s seem to get out of sync - I cannot see any more what the other user is writing and she cannot see my edits any more.
  • During the third attempt, the RT session looked fine but the other user again got a conflict message when leaving the session, which she ignored and closed.
    Afterwards I was not able to save the RT session’s contents any more:

I had hoped that the RT Wysiwyg extension would have gotten more stable during the last year any maybe might be ready now for real usage.

This does not really seem to be the case, as I only did some very light tests so far, of which none actually really worked… :frowning:

Is there any road map for the RtWysiwyg extension, and / or any estimation as of when I might expect to be able to use it in a real wiki?

hmm this is weird. I had heard it was working well (except when opening the same page with different editors).

@mflorea any idea? :slight_smile:

Yes, the good news is that we put realtime in general in our roadmap for 2020. Stay tuned :wink:

I don’t want to exclude that I did something wrong… What I did was just some basic edit tests on a single wiki page with a colleague. We both used the Wysiwyg editor, no source view, no Wiki text editor.

No idea, I’m busy experimenting with in-place editing ATM but the RT extension is next on my TODO list. The plan is to clean it up and integrate it in platform, the goal being to have RT editing by default by the end of 12.x cycle. I should be able to come back to you on this topic in the coming weeks.

Great news! :slight_smile: :+1:

Just out of curiosity - has there been any progress so far on this issue in the last few months? :slight_smile:

We wish we had progressed but the answer is no unfortunately. It’s still something we’d like to do before the end of the year. Marius would like to work on it but he’s been focusing on a more modern replacement for the LiveTable component (you should see a first version of that in XWiki 12.8 normally) for which he took into account the realtime aspect in the design (but it’s not realtime yet ATM).

@mflorea is that correct?

Ok, thanks for the update.

So this means that then there might still be hope to see a working WYSIWYG editor in the next LTS release? :wink: (Without wanting to pressure anyone… :slight_smile: No, honestly, Xwiki already is pretty good as it is. And I just learned about the WYSIWYG inline editing mode in Xwiki 12, which I’m looking forward to be able to use in the next LTS in any case then.)

The WYSIWYG editor is already working well in the current LTS release :slight_smile: Maybe you meant a realtime WYSIWYG editor? If so, yes there’s still some chance.

I guess you’re referring to the in-place editing feature. Yes please do give it a try ASAP. Best is to try it before the LTS so that we can get feedback as otherwise it’s too late after the LTS is released :wink:
