Run Cristal using https during development

Hello all,

I’d like to propose to start running Cristal using https in development mode.

  • it’s making development closer to production, helping to identify issues early
  • avoid bumping into issues during development because of browser restriction when running over http

mkcert is a tool to generate self-signed certificates and register them as trusted on the system. Allowing to run self-signed certificates without annoying browser warnings.
vite-plugin-mkcert integrates mkcert into vite, allowing to start vite to start on https seamlessly.


PS: I’d be interested in having volunteers running Mac and Windows to test if vite-plugin-mkcert is portable.

The question it raises is why are we not doing this for XS and should we also do it for XS?

Has the fact that we ran HTTP for XS dev for 20 years caused problems when executed under HTTPS in production? Maybe in a few cases but not that much I think.

OTOH if there’s no downside (are there?) for running HTTPS then why not.

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Does it mean to also run it with https for integration tests? No impact to expect there? And what about the communication to a backend not relying on https, would that create problems?