I’m currently trying to authenticate users with SAML using the GitHub - xwiki-contrib/authenticator-saml: XWiki authentication using SAML plugin
After some work xwiki now correctly redirects any users trying to login to the SAML SSO, but by the SAML standard the response is a signed POST message.
But this only leads me to an error:
Problem accessing /. Reason:
HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL
Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.8.v20171121
The plugin expects the SAMLResponse to be accesible via the XWikiRequest in the XWikiContext.
Can I somehow alter XWiki to accept this POST message and write it into the context?
Or is there another way to get this message into the context?
I tried writing the SAMLResponse as a parameter into the URL, but it didn’t show up in the XWikiRequest