Save&Continue broken

Just upgraded from 8.4.5 to 11.10.3, and noticed that Edit / Save&Continue button leads now to full page reload in browser (just like if I pressed Save & View and then Edit), that makes this button useless. Autosave also reloads in the middle of editing, so it is also broken.

Created bug report on this: Loading..., but don’t sure - may be there is something wrong with my installation.

Any help or idea (or confirmation of the bug) will be appreciated.

Hi Nikita. What version of CKeditor 11.10.3 uses?
In my version 11.10.2 (ckeditor & co version 1.38) editor by default have only “Save&View”, “Save”, “Preview” and “Cancel” button, no “Save&Continue”. I think that difference between 11.10.2 and 11.10.2 must be minimal…

Hi amadis,
CKEditor 1.39.
Actually I’m talking about Save button (and the action of that button is called “action_saveandcontinue”).