Search can't find any result

I created a page : http://mysite/bin/view/My%20business/MyProject/

Now, if I search for any word of this page using the search engine, solr can’t show any result. I just manually reindexed the entire farm from administration page. XWiki is just installed and search configuration is stock. Why it’s not working?


Debug Information
Query Parser
Parsed Query
+((propertyvalue__:produzione | propertyvalue_it_IT:produzione | propertyvalue_en:produzion)~0.1 | (doccontent__:produzione | doccontent_en:produzion | doccontent_it_IT:produzione)~0.1 | (creator_display:produzione)^0.2 | ((title_it_IT:produzione | title_en:produzion | title__:produzione)~0.1)^5.0 | (doccontentraw_en:produzion | doccontentraw_it_IT:produzione | doccontentraw__:produzione)~0.1 | (attcontent_en:produzion | attcontent__:produzione | attcontent_it_IT:produzione)~0.1 | (filename:produzione)^5.0 | (attauthor_display:produzione)^0.2 | (author_display:produzione)^0.2 | (name:produzione)^5.0 | (spaces:produzione)^0.04 | ((comment_it_IT:produzione | comment__:produzione | comment_en:produzion)~0.1)^0.04 | (objcontent_en:produzion | objcontent__:produzione | objcontent_it_IT:produzione)~0.1)~0.1 ()
Filter Queries
Processing Time
time: 4.0
time: 1.0
query: {time=0.0}
facet: {time=0.0}
facet_module: {time=0.0}
mlt: {time=0.0}
highlight: {time=0.0}
stats: {time=0.0}
expand: {time=0.0}
terms: {time=0.0}
debug: {time=0.0}
time: 2.0
query: {time=0.0}
facet: {time=1.0}
facet_module: {time=0.0}
mlt: {time=0.0}
highlight: {time=0.0}
stats: {time=0.0}
expand: {time=0.0}
terms: {time=0.0}
debug: {time=0.0}

It seems you have set the Default Language in the Wiki Administration to Italiano (Italia) (code it_IT). ATM we don’t provide any Solr configuration for this locale. We only have support for Italiano (code it). See . So I suggest you change the Default Language from the Wiki Administration and then change the default langauge of the page you have issues with, or recreate that page.

Changed all the pages and templates to “it” language, changed the default language in “it” in the localization admin control panel. Reindexed Solr 2 times. Now it works. Thank you!