Search on top bar doesnt work

Hello, I have a problem with search field on top bar.
When I typing something there, suggestions are works well.
After pressing Enter, XWiki goes on the new page Instead of search page. Page address:

When i go to the search page and try to search “swagger”, page address is this:
And search works well.

Couldn’t you help me to fix the issue with new page instead of search page with apropriate query?


The search bar has displayed the result of the search, if you didn’t choose the suggestion and press Enter, you’d navigate to the search page, not the new one. If you want to switch faster between pages and remember its exact name, use the shortcut Ctrl + O.

In my case Search page after pressing Enter doesn’t have search results. It looks like new page(screenshot above).
Normal Search page looks like screenshot below.

I need search bar to navigate on the Search page instead of strange page.

I have found a bit more information:
My Search page address is
And HTML form action of search bar is: action=“/bin/view/Main/Search”

If I manually(using Chrome console) change action to “/bin/view/Main/” search bar works good.

Couldn’t you advise how ho change form action or change Search page address to ?


After receipt of the above-mentioned, I looked into it and can recommend trying change object’s properties of the Search Panel, whereas the velocity code is stored and change this line <form action="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Search')" class='xformInline'>. Remember that you are editing the functionality of a built-in application.

Hi @nikpetrenko
Thank you for an answer. I have changed “Main.Search” to “Main.WebHome” but search bar action is still “/bin/view/Main/Search”. Even after Ctrl+F5.
Modified Search panel on “/bin/view/Panels/Search” address is work as needed.
Is there something else to try?