Searching - less letters


my company have a lot of knowladge.
We change Microsoft One Note to xWiki.
The most imporatant problem is the function of searching.

We use polish language on xWiki so we have a lot of different ending of word.
I know that my languale is strange.
In polish language “dormant” it’s: “uśpiona”

For example:
if we write “uśp” the one note sugest: “uśpionej”
if we write “uśpiona” xWiki show 1 result
if we write “uśpionej” xWiki show 2 result.
if we write “uśpion” xWiki show nothing.

I want improve searching engine in xWiki for work similar to One Note searching.
It’s possible?
If yes, could someone told me how to do this?

Pictures show everything:
Thanks for help!

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